Alumni Support Program
The Alumni Support Program at CSB bridges the gap between education and the fashion industry, ensuring alumni success through a comprehensive support system.
This system includes job placement assistance, mentorship programs, and access to crucial resources, preparing graduates for the industry's competitive nature. Career consultancy provides tailored guidance, and ongoing training keeps alumni current with the latest trends and necessary skills. Additionally, CSB helps increase the visibility of its alumni’s projects through media exposure and provides essential material resources, enabling graduates access with little to no financial burden. By connecting alumni with the CSB network, the institution opens doors to numerous opportunities, fostering a strong and diverse creative community. CSB's support aims not only at individual success but also at enabling alumni to contribute sustainably to the community, emphasizing the institution's dedication to nurturing talent that drives positive change in the fashion industry. Some of our alumni are even teachers or mentors to Creative Space Beirut’s newer generations of students.